New York is an amazing town! One minute you're at desk your chomping on carrot sticks. Next minute you're at the Natural History Museum Planetarium listening to
Kanye & Jay-
Z's new album in a reclining seat
cellphoneless (oh yeah, they were confiscated).
High hats and cresendos were perfectly synced up to realistic animations of planets colliding, being born and other celestial activity. There was tons of symbolism and ambiguity. It was an allegory for this collaboration. It was like Stanley Kubrick directed
Powers of Ten. I'm serious ya'll. At one point, Jay and Ye trade bars back and forth while two galaxies collide, interact, jostle and soon became one. Which can be interpreted as "Watch the Throne". The album is a triumph!
The idea of having your listening party in a planetarium is genius and pulling it off in an elevated fashion is nuts! The experience was completely
immersing and overwhelming at times. As the lights came on everybody filed out, my friend and I chilled for a bit and behind us was
Kanye West chilling! In my mind he was thinking, "These Beats are Dope."
Credit: Watch the Throne artwork designed by Riccardo Tisi. Photography Credit: Unknown